Recent Mold Remediation Posts

Weakened foundations: Unveiling the hidden structural damages beneath the surface.

5/24/2024 (Permalink)

Possible damaged roof shingles A damaged roof could allow moisture into your home, which could then lead to a host of other problems.

While storms bring immediate visible damage to Austin area homes, one of the most concerning aspects is the hidden structural damage that can occur beneath the surface. Stormwater infiltration can weaken the foundation upon which your home stands, posing a significant risk to its stability and long-term integrity.

When excess water saturates the ground surrounding your home, it can seep into the foundation, causing soil erosion and compromising its structural support. Over time, this can lead to foundation settling, shifting, or even cracking, endangering the overall stability of the entire structure.

Furthermore, water-damaged foundations create an environment ripe for further deterioration. Moisture trapped within the foundation can contribute to the growth of mold and rot, further compromising its strength. The weakened foundation can affect the alignment of walls, floors, and even the roof, leading to a range of structural issues that require immediate attention.

At SERVPRO of Hyde Park, we recognize the gravity of weakening foundations caused by water damage. Our skilled team conducts thorough inspections to assess the structural integrity of your home. We employ proven techniques to address foundation issues, such as drainage solutions, waterproofing strategies, and reinforcement methods. By addressing the hidden damage beneath the surface, we ensure that your home stands on a solid foundation, ready to weather future storms with resilience.

Is Bleach Enough to Fix My Mold Problem?

11/21/2023 (Permalink)

Is Bleach Enough SERVPRO Team Member in Hazmat Suit

The short answer is no. During the height of COVID, we were cleaning and sanitizing everything from door knobs to keyboards.  Anything that was touched by multiple people was getting hit with one kind of cleaner or another.  We should be taking that same approach to getting rid of mold.  Mold has been here much longer than COVID and it isn’t going away anytime soon (maybe an asteroid).  How do we get rid of mold in the home or office?  The CDC says that using bleach to kill mold isn’t always recommended.  Using a bleach/water mixture will most likely destroy the surface mold, but the growth goes much deeper than that.  Bleach cannot penetrate the deeper levels of porous materials, so you will most likely see it come back within a short period of time.

Here are a few things that the EPA says about the basics of mold cleanup.

  1. Moisture control.  If you can keep it dry, you can help control the growth of mold.
  2. Scrub the mold off of hard surfaces with a detergent and water, then dry completely.
  3. Any absorbent materials like carpets, rugs, and ceiling tiles will most likely need to be thrown away.

If you have tried to get rid of mold and can’t seem to keep it away, contact your Austin SERVPRO professionals today.  We have the experience, equipment, and products to help destroy the mold and to keep it from returning.

Planning for Mold Mitigation Expenses

5/24/2019 (Permalink)

Mold remediation in a Cedar Creek, TX home

If you have significant mold growth in your home in Cedar Creek,TX, you will likely need professional mold removal. Depending on the extent of the damage, the mold cleanup process can be expensive, and not all insurance policies cover the cost. Here are some guidelines on what to expect when the specialists visit your home.

The Cleanup Process

Black mold removal involves more than just scrubbing visible fungus off the wall. The full restoration process includes the following steps:

  • Assessment of the problem
  • Removal of moldy items and materials
  • Disinfection of remaining surfaces
  • Drying of the area
  • Air filtration
  • Reconstruction of ruined structure

The final bill for mold remediation in your home depends on how long it takes to complete it and how much has to be done. The more extensive the mold removal has to be, the higher the estimated cost.

The Expense Breakdown

If you catch mold early, you may be able to save a lot of money on mitigation. If, for example, the mold damage only goes so far as your crawlspace or a sizable patch on one wall, your price may be as low as $500 or a few thousand dollars at most. If the fungus has invaded the ducts in your HVAC system, however, technicians are likely to need more time to make sure they take care of the whole problem, particularly if the system has been running constantly and thus potentially spreading the growth to other areas of your home. If black mold cleanup involves repairing extensive structural damage, you could be looking at a bill in the tens of thousands.

If you have a mold policy or the growth is the result of covered damage, your insurance company may help with the costs of mold removal. If not, however, you may be footing the bill on your own. Either way, catching the problem early before it causes extensive damage is key to keeping the estimate on the lower side.

Frustrated With Recurring Mold? Read This

3/6/2019 (Permalink)

Mold spores thrive on moisture

Black mold in Austin, TX homes is troublesome. The fungus looks bad and smells even worse. When it appears in your home you may try to remove it, but it is likely to return. To avoid a recurrence, it helps to learn more about mold.

A Closer Look at Mold

Mold spores exist indoors and outdoors. Moisture transforms microscopic mold spores into a full-fledged mold problem. The spores float around and can enter your home in many ways. A few of these entry points include:

  • AC/heating systems
  • Doorways
  • Windows
  • Pets
  • Clothing

The fungus thrives in conditions where there is excessive moisture. This is why basements, crawl spaces and attics are prime spots for fungus growth. Additionally, it's easy to identify. It has a musty odor along with green or gray coloration.

Why Black Mold Appears in Your Home

Mold is difficult to remove and even more difficult to keep it away. No matter how much effort you invest in keeping your home clean, you are fighting an uphill battle with this fungus. It is not enough to clean mold from the surface of walls, floors, showers or other areas. The reason is that you must track down the water source that is "feeding" the mold.

How do you remedy this situation? You must locate the water source. When this is done, the mold won't return. Keep in mind, it is not recommended that you take this on as a DIY project. This is a job that requires extensive repair, cleaning and expertise. The best step to take is to work with an emergency restoration service.

It is always good to take preventive steps to reduce mold from appearing. But no matter how clean you keep your home, black mold spores exist. Because of that, any contact with extensive moisture often leads to a fungus infestation. Mold cleanup is not something you do on your own. It is best to seek assistance from mold remediation specialists.

Got Mold?

2/20/2019 (Permalink)

Mold Damage in a Residential Home.

SERVPRO of Hyde Park/Central Austin has been completing mold remediation projects for over 15 years.  We hold a state certified Mold Remediation Company licensed under our business entity Twenty Four Seven Resources LLC, Lic # RCO1114.  Two of the four owners here are state licensed Mold Remediation Contractors.

We also require all of our water technicians to be a state registered Mold Remediation Worker.  We feel the more training our staff has the better we are prepared to service our customers when they run into unforeseen or hidden mold on a job where no mold was expected to be found.

We get a lot of the same questions and statements we about mold when speaking with customers.  

Here are a few things to be aware of if you think you might have mold or if you do in fact have a mold remediation project.

  1. Is this the bad black mold?  OR What type of mold is it?  We don’t know and the only way to know is by testing.  Reality is for remediation purposes it really doesn’t matter much. All the mold and affected materials need to be removed for us to pass the air quality testing, using the same methods / processes regardless of the species of mold.  Once we have clearance you will receive your Certificate of Mold Damage Remediation
  2. I sprayed it with “xyz” so it’s all dead now can’t we just paint over it?   Mold remediation is a process of removing all the mold-affected materials, plus 2 foot beyond. Encapsulation is the terminology used when we talk about covering mold that is not removed. We typically only encapsulate when the moldy materials are structural and not practical to remove. We then use product specifically made for encapsulation and not just paint.
  3. Can you just spray something and kill it? Dead mold will usually have the same affect on you as living mold.  It’s the Micotoxins that you are affecting you. We could spend an hour talking about Micotoxins.  Bottom line, it is best to remove the mold.  

Although mold has been a hot topic among homeowners and water losses for the last 15 years, there still seems to be a lot of mystery and misconceptions.   This often leads to some companies using scare tactics to sell jobs or increase the size of the job. Challenge is most home owners are not educated with the state regulations and procedure for mold remediation and they take the advice from these unethical remediation companies.   We have seen $2,000 mold jobs turned into $20,000 mold job because of this.

It is our recommendation to follow the Texas Mold Assessment and Remediation Rules (TMARR).  Per TMARR any job with over 25 sf of mold you need to have a Mold Assessment Consultant (MAC) come in to evaluate.  It is the MAC’s job to write the protocol. A remediation contractor is not allowed to put the scope or work together when over 25sf of mold is present and can be fined by the state for doing so.

Our suggestion is to do one of the following:  Call us out and we will help guide you through the process with the understanding we may not be able to do anything until a MAC has been on site.

To see some of our job before and after photos Click Here

Mold Growth Habits: Preventing Mold by Controlling Your Environment

1/22/2019 (Permalink)

Mold remediation in a Bastrop, TX home

Mold Growth Habits

Mold damage can be costly, and it can lead to extensive restoration work on your home. Additionally, if the mold is caused by persistent leaks in your home’s plumbing that have gone untouched, it is possible your insurer may not take responsibility. Therefore, to protect your interest, it is necessary to understand the common preventative practices that can protect your home and your finances.

1. Ensure Proper Ventilation

Without proper ventilation, mildew growth can become a significant problem. Use exhaust fans in your kitchen, bathroom and laundry room to ensure adequate ventilation. Also, don’t forget about your dryer. Dryer vents should be unobstructed and vent to the outside.

2. Repair Leaks

Mold damage is likely caused by excessive water buildup which in turn is likely caused by leaks. You may not notice small pinhole leaks in your plumbing because they may not reduce water pressure or even increase your bill. However, even small leaks in your walls, ceiling or crawlspace can lead to the development of mold. Have inspections regularly to prevent these issues.

3. Use Dehumidifiers

Mold growth requires dampness to survive. Therefore, to prevent growth, use several dehumidifiers in your property. You can install each unit in an area prone to moisture buildups, like basements or attics. Moisture levels should be kept at or below 50 percent.

4. Maintain Clean Spaces

Additionally, it is important to maintain clean spaces. Mold can colonize in dirty areas easily, especially if these spaces are prone to minor flooding or even puddling. You can call a mold remediation specialist in the Bastrop, TX, area to assess your property for potential high-risk areas and to help you take preventative measures.

Mold damage, while expensive, can be prevented. By ensuring proper ventilation, repairing leaks, using dehumidifiers and maintaining a clean environment, you can protect your property and family from the threat of a mold infestation.

Can a Mold-Damaged Painting Be Saved?

9/14/2018 (Permalink)

Mold damage in a Austin, TX home

Now that a mold problem has been discovered in your home in Austin,TX , and mold remediation has begun, don’t forget to have items such as paintings assessed before throwing them away. Often, they can be cleaned and restored, saving precious family heirlooms and memories.

How Mold Can Damage a Painting

A painting with mold damage can have several issues. There may be staining due to the moisture that allowed the mold to grow, the paint may run or bleed, and the mold itself could over time damage the painting and the framing materials.

How To Have Your Painting Restored

Find a company that specializes in mold cleaning of paintings that can examine and determine if restoration is possible. Some companies offer on-site evaluations if it is not possible for you to take your piece to the company’s location. Once the artwork is in the hands of the restoration specialists, several things can take place.

  • An initial consultation can determine suitability for restoration.
  • If restoration is possible, your painting should then be given a thorough exam. This may include removing it from any framing or stretch bars to ensure a complete evaluation of the damage. There may be a cost for this evaluation.
  • An estimate of cost, materials that could be used and a timeframe for how long
    mold cleaning and restoration could take should be provided, reviewed and agreed to if you choose to move forward.

How To Avoid a Moldy Painting in the Future

Once cleaning of your painting has taken place, be sure to have the artwork professionally finished and framed. Make sure to keep the painting in a less humid room in your home, and check the painting every so often to be sure you don’t see any moisture on or around it that could lead to mold in the future.

Although seeing a treasured work of art damaged by mold can be devastating, it is often possible to save your painting from mold damage through mold cleaning so that you can enjoy it for many years to come.

Four Common Myths About Mold

7/16/2018 (Permalink)

Mold Damage can be hazardous in your Austin Texas home

Mold is something that a lot of people have heard about but may not fully comprehend. It’s on old food, health inspectors look for it, and it can be costly for commercial building owners in Austin, TX. However, if someone is part of the last group, it’s important to know the truths and myths about mold growth.

1. Black Mold Is the Most Dangerous Type of Mold

This is partially false. Black mold is dangerous, but it isn’t the only type that should worry a commercial building owner. If any type of mold is found, it should be considered dangerous and immediately quarantined until a professional cleaning service can be called.

2. Water and Mold Damage Ruin Everything

This is a complete myth. While restoration of electronics should be left entirely to the professionals, it is very possible to clean items exposed to mold growth. It may take some time, but most, if not all, of the belongings can be brought back to normal.

3. Water Damage Is the Only Cause of Mold

Mold can grow in multiple ways. One involves water, but high humidity can cause mold to manifest as well. Unless the humidity inside is kept under 45 percent, spores can begin show up within two to three days. It is better to keep the interior of the building cool and dry to maintain the structure.

4. Mold Can Be Completely Eradicated

Probably one of the biggest myths is that mold can be completely removed. Unless the structure is a laboratory, spores of different varieties will be present. In fact, there is a level that is considered normal for most buildings. Mold can become hazardous when the concentration of spores goes over a certain threshold.

There are many responsibilities to maintaining any structure. That is why it’s always important to know the truths and myths about mold growth.

For more on Austin click here

3 Steps You Can Take To Reduce the Spread of Residential Mold

5/17/2018 (Permalink)

Home Mold Damage Example Mold can grow after any type of water loss

Finding mold in your Austin, Texas, home can be an unpleasant surprise. Whether a leaking pipe or water line caused mold to grow or your home recently suffered flooding that allowed fungi to thrive, you now face the challenge of eradicating it. However, to prevent the spread of mold contamination, there are a few steps you can take before a qualified fungus removal and restoration service comes in to treat your home.

1. Avoid Touching the Mold

If you find patches of mold in your home, it is wise to avoid touching them. This can release fungi spores into the air and allow them to settle elsewhere, where they may colonize and grow anew. They may also travel to other parts of your home on your clothing once they break away from their food source, so you may want to close off the room or rooms where mold contamination is present until help arrives.

2. Turn Off Your Air Conditioner

Once you discover you have a mold problem, you may want to shut off your air conditioner. While your HVAC system can be helpful in lowering humidity levels in your home to prevent mold growth, it typically has no effect on growths already present. Turing off your air conditioner can help slow the spread of spores, which travel easily through vents and air ducts.

3. Leave Moldy Items Where They Are

If any clothing, books or furniture in your home have been affected by mold, it is wise to leave them as they are until remediation and restoration technicians arrive. These professionals can advise you on what can be salvaged and give you tips for how to preserve your belongings until they can be treated and cleaned properly.

Preventing mold contamination in your Austin, TX, home once you discover an infestation can be challenging. However, when you know which steps to take to reduce the spreading of fungi spores, it may be simpler for cleanup technicians to treat and destroy existing mold.

Fascinating Facts About Mold

4/19/2018 (Permalink)

Preventing Mold and Fungus is important in your Austin home

Mold is the name given to over 100,000 filament filled fungi commonly found on organic materials. Fungus spoils food, clears rotting forests, and adds life to the soil in Austin, TX. Ranging in a variety of colors, including black mold, the colonies all look for food and moisture to survive; however, if moisture is unavailable, the spores can dry out and go into a survival mode that allows them to live until an available source of water appears. Then the spores begin to act like seeds as they are blown around to find a food source and create a new colony. That is why hundreds of spores are found everywhere, both indoors and outdoors.


As one of the earth’s most important outdoor recyclers, the fungi are constantly looking for more food and water as they send out thousands of spores. Because the spores are always on the move, some colonies of mold occasionally find their way indoors. Normally, mold won’t find a home indoors unless the building has a moisture problem or a high level of humidity. Dark colors of green and black mold are especially fond of damp bathroom and basement walls.


Preventing mold growth is a matter of controlling moisture and condensation indoors. Although this sounds like an easy step, keeping areas dry that are susceptible to high humidity levels can be extremely difficult. Poorly insulated windows or cold-water pipes can be a problem, as can crawl spaces and damp basements. Since warm air contains more moisture than cold air, warm humid conditions can be an open invitation to fungi growth.


If extensive mold colonies are in your building, you may want to contact a professional mold remediation and evaluation team to remove the growth. By addressing the mold cleanup, removing the moisture, and rectifying ventilation issues, the team can provide an area free from microbial fungi and black mold. Most types of fungus have a voracious appetite and can quickly continue to spread if left unchecked.

For more information on Austin click here.

Improving Air Quality and Stopping Mold

3/30/2018 (Permalink)

Mold growing after Water Damage

Before you even start to think about professional mold cleaning in Austin, TX, you might want to know whether it's necessary. In many cases, you can take steps right now to minimize mold growth. Keep in mind that water damage and flooding often require more serious measures.

In addition, keep in mind that these tips are for everyone. You should probably use mitigation and mold prevention techniques regardless of your mold situation:

* You're considering cleaning
* You've just gone through mold removal
* You're experiencing excessive moisture in your home

Ventilation Matters

One of the first rules of keeping mold away, assuming you don't have water damage or a serious leak, is to keep the wetness away. Mold loves wet spaces, so keep a fresh breath of air moving through. Most homes are built so you can open windows and get a breeze to blow through. If you can't open windows, make sure to run your heating or air conditioning systems regularly. Fans are also a good option if you don't have central air. Whatever you do, make sure you get that air moving.


After you get your circulation going, it might still be necessary to take more water control measures. This is even more essential if you often have sources of moisture in your problem area. Common causes of excess wetness include leaks, laundry facilities and some appliances. Most homes in Austin, TX, have at least one of these. The answer is to buy a special dehumidifier. These come in heavy-duty additions to central air conditioning systems, but you can also buy smaller versions at a local appliance store.

Water damage is one cause of mold, but everyday forces could add to your problem or prolong your remediation process. Keeping a handle on your home environment's overall moisture level stops mold before it starts. You might even feel more comfortable with drier and fresher air.

Visit us at for more information. 

Don't Rely on Bleach for Mold

2/19/2018 (Permalink)

A lot of business owners mistakenly believe bleach is the best choice for fungus cleanup. For serious spills and messes, especially mold, it may be your go-to chemical. If this is the case, it’s time to ask yourself two questions before you reach for the bottle.

1. Will Bleach Kill Mold?

The answer isn’t a simple yes or no. On the surface, yes, bleach can kill mold. However, it is unable to reach the roots. Keep in mind that mold not only has roots, but it releases spores often. These spores can get into the air and land anywhere. Once landed, if the environment is right, more mold will grow. Chlorine cannot stop this from happening. It also can only kill what is on the surface. Therefore, while it may be able to kill some visible molds, it is not effective in the long run. You need someone with professional experience to remove mold for good.

2. What Will Get Rid of Mold for Good?

Specialists in professional remediation can be your best bet when it comes to getting rid of mold for good. They can use special cleaners and equipment to get rid of all traces of the mold, such as vacuums, special cleaners and air filters that can get rid of spores.

Fungus cleanup can be an art. It isn’t always easy to make sure that there is nothing left over, especially for someone who isn’t as familiar with it. Don’t let yourself be taken in by idea that harsh cleaners can kill all mold in Austin, TX. That is not always an effective option. If you want to make sure that you get rid of your mold infestation for good, the best thing to do is wait for professionals to handle the fungus cleanup. They have the knowledge and tools to do an effective and thorough job to cleanup mold.
Visit for more information on mold. 

What is difference between mold and mildew?

2/7/2018 (Permalink)

Is there a difference between mildew and mold?

Many people don't understand the differences between Mold and Mildew. Both of them are unsightly and need to be cleaned but there are some subtle differences.

First of all, both mold and mildew are fungi. They breakdown organic materials in order to survive. The difference is in how they grow. Mold will grow in patches and have a "fuzzy" texture. It also lays down root systems in the organic material, such as wood or paper.

On the other hand, mildew grows flat and stays together. The flatness is usually white in color but can be seen in green and brown. Mildew does not root itself in the organic material and is therefore easier to cleanup.

Call SERVPRO of Hyde Park / Central Austin if you have mold in your home.

Why does mold smell bad?

2/7/2018 (Permalink)

What is that smell?

In most cases we can smell the mold growing before we can see it. If you can smell the mold then you probably have a bigger problem. Here are some questions to ask yourself.

  1. Do I see the mold or only smell it? - If you can smell the mold but can't find it then it might be growing behind walls or under flors.
  2. Have I had a recent water loss? - Mold only grows where there has been excess water. If the water damage was left to dry you may have mold.

Mold uses air movement to spread mold spores. These spores carry mycotoxins which is what your nose recognizes as the bad smell. Therefore, if you can smell the mold then their are many spores in the air.

The Facts About Mold in a Home

12/7/2017 (Permalink)

The Facts About Mold in a Home

Nearly everyone has heard scary stories of black mold infesting a home. From these stories, and from personal experience, people know that mold is unsightly, unhealthy, may have a musty odor and can cause expensive damage to a property. The term mycotoxin, which simply means any toxin present from a fungus, is enough to produce nightmares. Instead of having people’s minds roam with worry, it is good to get the facts straight. Here are four important facts about mold.

Mold Is Natural. Molds occur naturally throughout the world and are present in nearly every environment. The spores of molds are microscopic and they can enter a home through any opening. Generally, molds do not cause much problem for humans. It is mostly when a mold begins to grow in a home that it begins to be a problem.

Mold and Property Damage. As well as the possible health effects, mold in a home can be unpleasant to look at and can discharge a musty odor. It will expand in size if not treated quickly and infiltrate carpeting and air ducts. In many cases, insurance companies will not cover mold damage. Professional services may be required to utilize equipment such as a HEPA air filtration device in your home.

Mold Remediation.

It is important to work with an expert team in Austin, Texas when it comes to ridding a home of mycotoxin mold. Specialists will have the training and equipment to tackle the moisture that allows mold to grow in a home.
Visit for more information on mold.

How Professional Mold Removal is Done

8/29/2017 (Permalink)

How Professional Mold Removal is Done

Mold growth behind walls is as a result of damp conditions around a particular space. Mold in home and commercial mold damage may be caused by leaky roofs and pipes that are not repaired in time. Hence, they create damp conditions that encourage mold growth. To prevent mold damage, mold in home, and commercial mold damage, the fungus must be removed before spreading extensively and causing permanent destruction.

Mold growth behind wall is very common, and the level of contamination varies. Therefore, different methods are applied to deal with mold growth behind wall. Effective mold removal of mold in home and commercial mold damage can be done only by a certified mold restoration company.

Why Mold Removal is Necessary

Mold removal is required for the following reasons:

a) Mildew Produces a Smelly Odor

A house that smells clean and fresh is attractive and pleasant to any person who visits it. However, mold growth, especially in a closed space, produces a smelly odor that infuses the whole environment. This smelly odor might not be tolerable to you as it may even cause embarrassment in case you host visitors.

b) Mold may Cause Structural Damage

Mold growth behind wall and on other surfaces may cause structural damage. If mitigation is not done in time, mold damage and dry rot may infuse the structural core of the building, causing extensive damage. Structural damage may render a building inhabitable and may even cause the building to be torn down, which may result in heavy financial losses. Therefore, to prevent this problem, remediation must be done in time.

In case you already have it growing in your house, you can procure the services of a restoration company to get rid of the mold.

Professional Mold Removal

The following are the steps followed by a restoration company when doing mildew remediation:

a) Access the Source of the Moisture

Mold growth and its spread are caused by moisture. Before the mitigation of the spread of mold, the restoration company starts by finding the source of the moisture that is responsible for the growth and spread of the fungus such as leaking plumbing lines. This source is then turned off to prevent any subsequent growth of the mold growth.

b) Calculate the Extent of the Mold Damage

You cannot treat what you don’t understand and, therefore, the professionals handling the mitigation process have to calculate the extent of the mildew damage. More often than not, the extent of the damage may be beyond what can be seen on the surface. By finding out the extent of the contamination, the professionals will know how to go about the restoration process.

c) Create a Remediation Plan

After finding out the extent of the damage, the professionals then create a remediation plan of how they can go about the mitigation. There are different kinds of mold, including dry rot and black mold. These mold types are documented and the remediation plan for each of them, including the resources and manpower to be used, is created.

For example, black mold involves a lot of patience and investment in protective gear. This is because black mold is a relatively more extensive than other types of mold. Dry rot, on the other hand, affects wooden surfaces mainly. Therefore, the method used to restore a surface affected by dry rot would be different from the method of restoring surfaces affected by black mold.

d) Remediate the Contaminated Surfaces to Prevent Mold Damage

The remediation of the contaminated surfaces is then done. This should be done carefully to avoid exposure to both the occupiers of the building and to the person cleaning up the mold. The affected material should be removed and the source of the moisture suppressed.

e) Deodorization

After the fungus has been removed, deodorization is done. Deodorization is the removal of the smelly odor that is as a result of the growth of the mold. Also, deodorization is done to ensure that no fibers are left floating around. Visit for more information on mold.

Steps in Professional Mold Remediation

7/25/2017 (Permalink)

Steps in Professional Mold Remediation

Mold are fungi which grow in the form of multicellular thread-like structures called hyphae. Mold in homes favor warm, damp and humid conditions for growth and reproduce my making spores. Disturbing mold is disastrous as it leads to spreading of the spores which can survive even in extreme environmental conditions, such as dry conditions.Disturbing spores can distribute them and enhance mold growth. In squeezed corners due to the favorable conditions, mold growth behind walls is rampant.

Black mold is a type of mold that which releases spores when it feeds on organic materials in the households such as drywall, carpet, insulation or sub-flooring that have been exposed to moisture. One can tell the presence of black mold by the presence of a musty, smelly odor, like dirt and rotten leaves. Black mold is usually greenish-black but may also appear grayish with a sooty, powdery texture. The only way to distinguish black mold from other mold/fungus species is by examination under a microscope.

Dry rot is a type of fungi that cause damage to timber and is considered one of the most mold damaging destroyers of wood construction materials. For growth of the dry rot, it needs a suitable food base, in this case, timber. Extensive growth of the fungus produces fruiting bodies that release spores that spread and proliferate. Dry rot often grows near ventilation shafts which show a preference for concentrated oxygen. Water is the major condition for the dry rot to thrive hence that is taken as its vulnerability. The primary measures for the fungi mitigation is;
• Locating and repairing the source of water causing the dry rot.
• Promoting rapid drying conditions in the affected buildings.
The effects of dry rot can be remedied by;
• Removing all or portions of the infested wood.
• Replacing the removed wood with pre-treated wood
Mildew is a thin dusting of black or gray growth produced by mold appearing on natural fabrics such as linen, silk and cotton, and occasionally walls. It also decolorizes paper and leather. Mildew presence is prevented by having a dehumidifier in the room to remove moisture and thereby preventing mildew spores from growing.

Mold damage

Molds produce irritating substances which act as allergens for sensitive individuals. Signs of molds in a home include allergic symptoms, mold growth also produces smelly odor, seeing signs of mold growth behind walls and in other hidden places.

Mold remediation and mitigation

The mold in homes and commercial mold damage remediation depends on the intensity of mold spores; they include several steps:
i. The first step for mold remediation and mitigation involves contacting restoration company representatives who determine the necessary equipment, resources, and personnel required for deodorization (where needed), mold removal and control. This is particularly helpful when dealing with commercial mold damage.
ii. Inspection and mold damage assessment.
iii. Mold damage containment and mitigation procedures and remediation to prevent the spread of mold in homes. Containment procedures can also be applied effectively in the case of commercial mold damage. Guidance by qualified restoration company representatives is critical.
iv. Dust suppression and deodorization, done by misting the contaminated areas.
v. Air is the filtered to capture mold spores in the air.
vi. The mold and mold infested materials are then removed and kept away from walls to avert further mold growth behind walls.
vii. Cleaning contents and belongings such as clothing, curtains, and furniture are done. A HEPA vacuum is used to clean all surfaces. Deodorization is also important as it reduces the smelly odors and makes the environment habitable.
viii. Drying the cleaned and repaired items thoroughly.
ix. Repair and replacement of the removed materials with clean materials free from mold damage.
x. A visibility test is done. All areas should be visibly free from contamination, that is, the absence of dirt and dust means no fungus.
xi. Searching is done to check any recurrent water damage, mildew and mold damage. It is best done by a skilled restoration company representative.
Mold removal.
i. Sanding moldy wood; since it is sometimes difficult to completely remove mold from wood as it is somewhat porous. Experts sometimes sand the wood to fasten mold removal.
ii. Non-porous surfaces such as sinks and tubs can be scrubbed using an antimicrobial cleaner to aid in mold removal.
iii. Building materials and furniture that has been infested and cannot be salvaged should be discarded as ordinary construction waste.
iv. Wet vacuums can be used to dry water from floors, carpets, and hard surfaces. Corners and leaking sewer piping should be given particular attention thus preventing mold growth behind walls.
v. Restoration using techniques to capture microscopic mold spores and the smelly odor and other building materials, several deodorization restoration company staff may apply deodorization to eliminate offensive odors and prevent further commercial mold damage and mold growth.
Visit for more information on mold.

What to Expect From the Mold Removal Process

5/8/2017 (Permalink)

What to Expect From the Mold Removal Process

Mold damage is unfortunately common in homes and commercial building across the country. This substance typically grows in areas that are both dark and moist, and there may be many areas in a typical building that are susceptible to growth. Mold in home as well as fungus and mildew can be unsightly and can have a smelly odor. This growth can also impact your property value and condition with costly results. With commercial mold damage, there is the added concern of the impact of mold on your business. Mold remediation and mitigation are necessary to help you remove the substance from your home or business property safely, quickly and effectively. If you are preparing to walk through the mold removal process soon, you may be wondering what to expect.

Testing for the Presence of Mold, Mildew or Fungus
The first step to take when addressing commercial mold damage or mold in home is to test for its presence. You may visibly see something that looks like mold, fungus or mildew, but professional mold testing is necessary to determine what type of substance it is as well as the precise location of its presence throughout the building. This knowledge is critical to the mold remediation and mitigation team’s efforts. The skilled team will customize their mold removal approach based on this information to provide you with the best results possible for your property.

Containing the Affected Areas

When dealing with mold damage in a home or business property, there is always a concern that the mold spores or elements from fungus and mildew can become airborne. When these substances are disrupted, the spores can easily float into the air. This makes them easier to inhale, and it can result in new areas of mold damage throughout the building. When you want to address the issue of commercial mold damage or mold in home properly, the affected area must be properly contained. Your remediation and mitigation team will secure the area using proven techniques before attempting the mold removal process.

The Mold Remediation Process

The next step to take when dealing with mold in home or in a commercial building is to remove the substance. This process must also be completed carefully using professional techniques. Mold damage may be localized to a small area of your property, or it may be widespread. In some cases, the contaminated areas may be completely removed from the property. For example, a section of contaminated drywall may be cut away and removed from the property in a controlled way to prevent the spread of mold to other areas of the property. In other cases, the mold may be killed using proven techniques by well-trained professionals to complete the mitigation and remediation process.

Deodorization to Address the Smelly Odor
The issue of residential or commercial mold damage often cannot be fully addressed without deodorization efforts to remove the smelly odor of mold, mildew or fungus. The smelly odor may permeate throughout the property rather than being contained to a local area where the growth was present. It may linger after the mold removal process has been completed as well. Professional deodorization steps can be taken to eliminate the smelly odor from your property.

From mold testing and removal to the final step of deodorization, you can count on a professional mold removal team to address the issue of growth and contamination in your home or business. Professional services are safe, fast and effective. They can help you to preserve your property’s value and to eliminate this substance from your space with great results. If you have discovered the presence of mold in your property or if you suspect that it may be growing in a hidden space that you cannot see, now is the time to reach out for an initial consultation and professional mold testing from a reputable team. Visit for more information on mold removal and remediation.

Mold Remediation and Removal Techniques

4/28/2017 (Permalink)

Mold Remediation and Removal Techniques

Knowing what to do for a mold problem can make the difference between spending lots of money on mitigation and saving money by choosing the best alternative possible. Therefore, when a home or business owner discovers a microbial growth problem on their property, it is very important that they do their research first. Fortunately, there is quite a bit of invaluable information online today that can assist an individual with learning what should be done early on.

Identifying microbial growth Problems and Recognizing it Symptoms

First of all, when a person sees spots of microbial growth on their ceilings and their walls, they may find that they have a chronic moisture problem already occurring. In fact, another telltale sign that may or may not be missed is the odor that mold usually emits in the home or business. However, before the owner and their representatives begin shelving out money that they may not have to address these concerns, it is essential that they know that there are free assessments that can be done to evaluate each situation. Once the free environmental hygienist assessment is completed, the microbial growth representative will advise the person or persons whether it is time for further testing to be done in the area.

When a business contacts a remediation company, one of the first things that they will normally do is to send out a certified mold assessment consultant. These consultants are trained in a variety of different things including collecting samples from the area so that the testing can begin. To make sure these environmental hygienist companies provide accurate and credible results, most states require the testing company and the remediation company that actually does the work to be different. Meaning the environmental hygienist company that does the inspection has to be different from the company that calls in the mildew and fungus team to rid the business of the mold cleanup problems.

How do Mildew, Fungus, and Mold Cleanup Specialist Rid the business of Problems

After the mildew problem has been inspected, the Mitigation specialist will provide the owner with the protocol that will be used to clean up the contaminated areas. Since these mildew processes have to be conducted in a mold cleanup controlled environment, only mitigation specialists who have been trained to resolve these problems can do this work. This is because these professionals have been trained via the use of special clothing, equipment, expertise and the like. Meaning the mold and mildew that they are handling must be done strategically and according to governmental requirements. Therefore, for those of you who are interested in what they will do to complete the work, you can look online to see what kinds of procedures will be completed at that point in time.

Learning what to do to clean up a mold, fungus, and mildew problem may not be as simple as some people may think. However, when people become aware of what can be done to initiation the best mitigation efforts, they can start a mold cleanup project that will get rid of these issues right away. Meaning one of the best ways to address a mold clean up fungus solution for a home or a business is to contact specialists to assess, inspect and present the protocol of what must be done. Visit for more information on mold remediation.

What to do when you find Mold in Your Home in Austin, TX

3/30/2017 (Permalink)

What to do when you find Mold in Your Home in Austin, TX            
            When you first discover mold in your Austin TX home, you
will have a lot of questions as well as will wonder what your next steps
 will be to remove the microbial growth along with the fungus and mildew
 that is part of the mold issue. Mold cleanup is a topic that you need
to make sure that you have all the information about before you begin
the process. Education will be your best weapon as if you remove it
correctly the first time, then the odds of it returning will be a lot
lower. The following article will lay out what you need to know about
mold cleanup.  

The first thing that you will need to make sure that you do is to have
your home tested to see if this is, in fact, the problem that you are
experiencing. The best way to do this is to call in a professional that
knows how to test your Hyde Park Texas home. This will help to tell you
the type of fungus that you are dealing with. Since many of the people
that are able to test your home are engineers, they will be able to find
 the microbial growth in all parts of your home. If you are lucky and
the growth is small, then you will a lot of times be able to handle it
on your own. If the issue is a bit larger, then you will want to hire a
professional and since many people who can test also can remove the
issue, you can have them remove it as well.  

If you decide to do the work yourself, you will need to make sure that
you remove the cause of the issue, to begin with. Many houses in Hyde
Park Texas and Austin TX deal with high levels of humidity and as a
result, this promotes the growth in your home. Also if you have pipes on
 your wall that leaks or a roof on your home that leaks as well, you
will need to have this looked at as well and repaired.

You may not have thought about it, but calling your insurance agent will
 often time help you as they will be able to tell you if your removal
will be covered or not. Some policies will cover removal from your home
as part of the comprehensive plan. You will need to talk to them and see
 if your plan does, in fact, cover this. Now that you have done all of
this, you will need to decide if you will be the one to remove it or
not. If you do, then you will need to make sure that you read all of the
 articles you can in order to get the best results to keep it from
coming back. If you decide to go with a professional, then you will want
 to make sure that you deal with one that is experienced in removal
procedures and keeping it from coming back.  

Getting a quote from a professional will be one of the first things that
 you need to make sure that you do when looking for a person to handle
your issues for you. Talk to a few companies before you make the
decision to just one company. You will need to make sure that you
compare these quotes and go with the one that seems to be the most
reliable and will give you the best results for the money that you

Mold in your home can be a serious issue and one that you need to make
sure that you get taken care of as soon as possible. The use of an
environmental hygienist will be important as they will have all the
needed information to help your home be free from the fungus that has
been invading it for so long. Having all the facts about mold cleanup
will often time help you to know what to look for and how to go about
dealing with the issue when and if it pops up in your life. Even the
smallest part of this can have a huge impact on your life. You will want
 to catch any issues while they are still rather small and non-invasive
in your life. One of the biggest areas of this subject will be in
finding an environmental hygienist who can come in and help to remove
the issue from your home and get things back to some sense of normal.
There is no reason why you should let mildew affect your life and ruin
your home in the process.              
    Visit for more information on mold remediation.

Too much HVAC Condensation?

3/3/2017 (Permalink)

Wet Condensation on Duct Work

Is your HVAC working properly?  Did you know that improper HVAC units cause about 70% of the mold issues in homes?  When you turn your A/C on it is removing moisture from the air as part of its cooling process.  There are number of malfunctions that can cause your A/C to cool but not reduce the humidity within the environment to an acceptable level.   You really need your indoor air to be below 60% and even more preferred is below 50%, not just cool.


Signals you may be experiencing high humidity in your home.  You will have musty or moldy odors but you don't see any visible mold and you have not experienced any water damage.  The really obvious one is mold growing on furniture or cloths in the closet that may look like a heavy layer of dust at first. 


If you are experiencing any of these things give SERVPRO of Hyde Park / Central Austin a call.   

Good Remediation Contractor vs Mold Regulations

3/3/2017 (Permalink)

Sample Resutls

Did you know that there are lots of Mold Regulations and Standards but very few are actually related to the manner in which the work is performed?  Using a state licensed Mold Remediation Company (MRC) doesn't mean all things are equal.  It is not difficult for an MRC to be in compliance or to have never been written up or fined for being out of compliance.  The regulations don't teach or have a detailed remediation process that the MRC should follow. 

So when you are searching around for a good qualified MRC be careful.  One good source is a referral from the Mold Assessment Consultant (Mac).  A good MAC will have seen the work of many MRCs.  If you have done your homework and hired a good MAC chances are you will get a great referral for a good MRC. 

This also works the other way around.  We have been in the mold remediation business since early 2000.  We know a few really good Mold Assessment Consultants we can refer you too. 

We want to make sure your Mold Remediation project goes as smoothly as possible and it all starts with the proper MAC and MRC.  Make SERVPRO of Hyde Park / Central Austin your first call!!

Wet weather doesn't always cause mold.

2/24/2017 (Permalink)

Drip Drip

Did you know mold can easily be prevented.  Often people are concerned about mold coming back after a remediation project.  Its real simple keep things dry and mold won't grow.  I didn't say mold won't be present.  Mold is everywhere all the time.  However, that's an entire different blog.


If you think about areas or materials being dry vs wet when you notice the presence of mold.   Where do you usually see mold growing?  Dark, damp, warm or wet area is most common.  Sunny and warm tends to keep things drier. 


Mold will not grow just because something suddenly got wet either.  Get it dried out or at least the drying process started within 48 hours and you should be in good shape. 


When ever in doubt give SERVPRO of Hyde Park / Central Austin a call.  We will be happy to discuss your concern and take a look at it for you. 

Mold- You can't escape it

2/24/2017 (Permalink)

Well there may be one place without mold...

Mold, Mold and more Mold.


Did you know it's a fact that mold is everywhere all the time.  We cannot escape it.   When a Mold Assessment Consultant (MAC) is called out to do a mold analysis, one thing they may do is pull some air samples.  The MAC will then send the samples to the lab for analysis.  Once the results are back the MAC will be reviewing and comparing the indoor to the outdoor air with regards to mold sport count and species. 


There are no set standards or regulations for what is an acceptable level of mold spores for indoor air quality.  LESS than outside is the goal.  Sometimes a little less is fine other times you may want it a lot less.  So if mold species xyz is really high outside the MAC may not just accept a little lower indoor counts.  If the mold is Stachybotrys (the Black Mold) chances are the MAC will not approve of any counts indoors. 


My point to all this is there are a lot of variables to what is considered an acceptable level of mold and it can be quite subjective.  There is no such thing as a mold free home.


Any more questions give us a call here at SERPVRO of Hyde Park / Central Austin.

Cleaning Mold affected clothing, soft goods and textiles.

11/22/2016 (Permalink)

Esporta Wash System

What do you do with clothing that was exposed to mold in your home?  Assuming your loss falls within the standards and written protocol they can be cleaned.   The method per the IICRC S520 standards is by laundry only. 


So I have some good news and some concerning news about the process.  Good news is we have a very specialized machine designed to clean contaminated textiles to a food grad clean.  It call Esporta Wash Systems.  This machine is capable of cleaning just about anything we can load into it.


It can clean sporting equipment such as football gear as well as leather.  We have cleaned lots of leather jackets and more shoes than I care to count. 


Not only does it clean to the food grade clean we can often remove spots that you were unable to remove in prior cleanings. 


So what is the bad news you ask.  Due the standard method for mold is laundry only some dry clean items don't always survive.  The wetting of the garment is usually not the challenge.  It usually has to do with shrinkage, bleeding or being very delicate, such as lace or sequins. 


Don't fear our overall success rate of cleaning soft goods and textiles is about 98%.  SERVPRO of Hyde Park / Central Austin, we not only can handle your mold remediation project we can clean you cloth and content too.  

Mold tips: Air duct cleaning

5/25/2016 (Permalink)

Duct Work

Cleaning the air ducts in your home or office is one of the best ways to maintain indoor air quality.  A good regime is to have them professionally cleaned every 3 to 5 years depending on the capacity and use of the building.  Homes with multiple kids and pets, or buildings with high traffic flow are best cleaned more often.  Homes or buildings with less traffic can go a little longer. 

But what if mold is suspected in the ducts?  Mold in the air ducts is almost always a sign of another more significant issue: a fault in the system, poor ventilation or high humidity in the home.   

By performing regular cleaning one can ensure that a buildup of dust and mold spores will be minimized.  It is also recommend you get your HVAC system checked annually for proper operation.  Not only will it help minimize air quality concerns it will help keep your HVAC running efficiently.

Call SERVPRO of Hyde Park / Central Austin today to schedule your inspection.

Mold Keeps Coming Back

1/19/2016 (Permalink)

Here are SERVPRO of Hyde Park / Central Austin people call asking why the mold keeps coming back.   The customer will say they cleaned it up and a few weeks later the mold keeps coming back. 

It is most likely that you have an undetermined moisture issue here.  There are a lot of factors involved in figuring out what the moisture source or issue is.   Things to consider are location of the mold, how is the area used, how often is the area used, what is the area used for, what kind of materials is the area constructed of, is there pluming in the wall of the area, is the area a common wall with exterior of the home. 

Some common issues we have seen is a leak from the exterior of the house where a sprinkler sprays the house and leaks in just a little bit every day.  Not enough to cause a wet spot but enough for the mold to grow well.   Same results from leaking plumbing that just drips a little. 

Another example is a high humidity situation from a bathroom without enough ventilation.  Building materials that don't breath can also make these situations more difficult. 

If you have any questions regarding Mold Remediation don't hesitate to give us a call and we will be happy to assist you.

To see some of our job before and after photos Click Here

Can I spray something to Kill the Mold

1/19/2016 (Permalink)

I wished mold remediation was this easy.

SERVPRO of Hyde Park / Central Austin has been asked by many people, can't I just spray something on the mold to kill it? 

I am not going to get into health effects of mold on humans.   However, if you  have a health reaction to mold, more than likely you will not experience any improvements by killing the mold.   

Mold remediation is a process of removing and cleaning all the mold-affected materials and areas.  When removal is not a feasible option, we can encapsulate molded materials after thoroughly cleaning.  We typically only encapsulate when the moldy materials are structural and not practical to remove.   We then use products specifically made for encapsulation and not just paint.          

Even if you are a do-it-yourselfer, don't just spray something on the mold to kill it.

If you have any questions regarding Mold Remediation don't hesitate to give us a call and we will be happy to assist you.

To see some of our job before and after photos Click Here

What kind of mold do we have? Is this the bad black mold?

1/19/2016 (Permalink)

Lab sample petri dishes of mold

Probably the most common two questions we get are what kind is it and is it the bad black stuff?   Both are great questions, but not questions we cannot answer and ones that don't have much impact in how we remediate the affected areas.  

If or when you hire a Mold Assessment Consultant  (MAC)  they may take some samples which would tell them the types and levels.  The principal behind mold remediation is to remove it all regardless of what kind it is. 

SERVPRO of Hyde Park / Central Austin has been remediating mold since before the mold regulations existed.

It is our recommendation to not focus too much on the type of mold you have.  Pay more attention to the resume of your MAC and Mold Remediation Contractor. 

To see some of our job before and after photos Click Here

Experienced Mold Remediation Company needed

1/14/2016 (Permalink)

Shower stall with grout failure.

SERVPRO of Hyde Park / Central Austin has been completing mold remediation projects in the Austin area for over 16 years. 

We are a licensed with the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS) as a Mold Remediation Company.  Two of the owners hold TDSHS Mold Remediation Contractor Licenses. 

All of our water technicians are state registered Mold Remediation Workers.   We feel the more training our staff has the better we are prepared to service our customers when they run into unforeseen or hidden mold on a job. 

We don't use scare tactics to sell our services.  We shoot you straight at a fair price.

So if you have Mold Remediation concerns, whether big or small, commerical or residential, we can help you.  If yo need mold testing we can help with that too.

To see some of our job before and after photos Click Here